Percorso Zafferano

Benefits of Saffron



Let’s see the main properties of this long-life elixir.

Saffron is very rich in:

Saffron, a powerful natural antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, activates the metabolism and facilitates digestion by increasing the secretion of bile and gastric juices.

Saffron is rich in minerals, yet its most interesting therapeutic property lies in its high content of carotenoids – conferring it its bright orange colour. Carotenoids are natural vegetable pigments – with a wonderful range of shades from yellow to red – helping plants to capture the light not absorbed by chlorophyll – green – during photosynthesis: in practice they are natural photoprotectors of the plant kingdom.

Carotenoids are excellent at repairing cellular damage because they neutralize harmful free radicals. In cosmetics, saffron is successfully employed because it promotes circulation, improves the appearance of scars, lightens hyper-pigmentation, reduces the appearance of dark circles under eyes, and wrinkles.

Fat-free, Saffron confers flavour without increasing caloric intake and it facilitates excess liquids and toxins elimination.

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